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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tk 5 lakh given to dead RMG worker’s family in Ashulia: BGMEA

BGMEA and Mascot Garments jointly gave a grant of Tk 5 lakh to the family of garment worker Rokeya Begum, who died after being struck by brick chunks hurled by workers of a nearby factory in Jirabo area of ​​Ashulia Industrial area.
A team of BGMEA reached the spot around 2:00pm when the victim’s colleagues, carrying Rokeya’s body, blocked the Jirabo-Bishmail road in front of the factory.
Later they discussed with the owner and workers inside the factory. After that Abdullah Hil Rakib, senior vice president of BGMEA, spoke to the media.
He said, “It is just an accident. No one threw bricks targeting the workers. It’s a big loss for the owners [of the factory] as one of their skilled workers was lost. They [owners] are very upset over the incident.
“We have spoken to her [Rokeya’s] family … We gave them Tk 5 lakh. We also talked to around 20-25 workers so that the factory runs well. It will resume operations on Saturday.”
Asked what measures were taken for those injured in the incident, Rakib said, “Factory staffers have already been sent to the injured workers. Owners will bear all the treatment costs,” he added.
